SupplyPike Sponsoring NWA Blood Drive

SupplyPike is sponsoring a blood drive to boost donations—give a pint, get some swag, and help local patients!


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Give Blood, Give Back

SupplyPike is sponsoring a Blood Boosters drive for the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO). We have scheduled a week at the Northwest Arkansas CBCO donor centers to help bolster donations. CBCO is the sole provider of blood to Northwest Arkansas (NWA) area hospitals, and each donation collected during the drive will go to a local patient in need of a transfusion.

SupplyPike’s goal is 50 donations from our employees, families, friends, and the local community. We hope to reach this goal to help ensure that area hospitals receive much-needed blood and encourage anyone in the Northwest Arkansas region to donate.

Event Details

The drive is from April 12th through the 16th (2021)—donors can choose between the Bentonville or Springdale centers to participate. The centers are open Monday through Thursday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. CBCO strongly encourages appointments to maintain donor flow.

All donors will receive a swag bag and t-shirt as a thank you, and LifePoints Local donors will earn points towards rewards. CBCO’s guidelines state that donors should eat well and drink plenty of water before donating. Donors should mention that they are Blood Boosters on behalf of SupplyPike.

Donate to Save

Christine Tan, SupplyPike’s COO, said, “We are excited to partner with the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks and do our part during this time of need. It’s comforting knowing that all donations will go directly to local patients and hospitals and reinforces SupplyPike’s dedication to our community.”

For more information on where and how you can donate blood, check out the current CBCO donation opportunities and events.

About SupplyPike

SupplyPike is a leading SaaS solution empowering retail suppliers to fight deductions, maximize cash flow, and increase productivity. Our advanced automation and industry expertise have recovered over $680 million for our clients—by simplifying the dispute process and preventing deductions, SupplyPike helps suppliers get paid and get better.

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