SupplyPike Expands to Home Depot

Discover how SupplyPike for Home Depot automates and streamlines chargeback dispute resolution for suppliers.


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SupplyPike for Home Depot

We’re pleased to announce the release of our new product, SupplyPike for Home Depot! Our Home Depot product acts as a tool that empowers suppliers stocking with the retailer to fight chargebacks better—helping them identify deductions automatically and streamline dispute resolution.

Home Depot Pain Points

Home Depot suppliers lose 2% of their invoices to chargebacks on average. Because of the retailers’ strict documentation rules and dispute process—that must be completed manually through their Supplier Hub portal—it can take up to 25 minutes to work through just one chargeback. This results in suppliers leaving chargebacks undisputed due to the lengthy and tedious process, which means they get paid less than they’ve earned.

There needed to be a solution to help Home Depot suppliers recover revenue, as seen with other major retailers such as Walmart and Amazon. The gap in the industry was a massive motivation for SupplyPike to expand the covered retailers within our platform to assist Home Depot suppliers.

How SupplyPike Helps

SupplyPike for Home Depot provides a simplified solution to the dispute process tailored to the retailer’s expectations. Our platform helps suppliers go after every penny owed while minimizing revenue loss.

“By expanding our retail reach, we demonstrate our commitment to growth. This marks a pivotal moment in pursuing innovation and market leadership as we dive into revenue recovery in the home improvement space,” says Product Manager Annalee Foley. “We’re excited to empower suppliers with enhanced tools for disputing chargebacks, all while gaining comprehensive insight into chargebacks at Home Depot.”

With the help of SupplyPike, Home Depot suppliers get unmatched visibility into every chargeback, shortage, and pricing discrepancy to help identify, prevent, and recover revenue losses. Utilizing our 1-click disputing feature and seamless integration with Supplier Hub, users can efficiently submit disputes with proof documents automatically collected and attached.

More Resources

Take a deeper dive into Home Depot with our retail expert-crafted content like Home Depot’s DC List, Compliance at Home Depot, or Home Depot Acronyms Cheat Sheet. For even more supplier resources that span an array of retailers, visit our free online knowledge base, SupplierWiki.

About SupplyPike

SupplyPike is a leading SaaS solution empowering retail suppliers to fight chargebacks, maximize cash flow, and increase productivity. Our advanced automation and industry expertise have recovered over $680 million for our clients. By simplifying the dispute process and preventing chargebacks, SupplyPike helps suppliers get paid and get better.

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